I was in the weirdest of moods today. I can't explain it. I didn't know what to wear, what to do, or where to go. Usually when I dress up, I think I must be someplace! Today I decided it was hiking time. I'd had these boots in my closet for awhile and have been itching to wear them with something. So.... I mixed and matched around until I found something rugged, yet cute. :)
The pictures didn't turn out so well. The sun was almost blinding and it was so windy that I was doing everything to keep my hair from becoming my face. Ah well. The boots I decided I adore. That's it for today.
xoxo - SassiGurl

Thrifted white blouse
Thrifted pink tank
Betsy Johnson watch necklace
Old Navy olive cargos
Danners hiking boots
American Eagle wooden bangle
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